Sofia Boggio

Director of Design

Sofia’s role is to ensure that Horizon’s tools are intuitive, clear and engaging, with a user-centric approach and a nice look and feel. Her interest for technologies is an advantage in making interfaces that are easy to understand and use, even if you know close to nothing about quantum computers.

Sofia joined us from France, where she has 5 years’ experience as a designer, working on all sorts of mediums of interactions, from apps and websites to IoTs and voice assistants. She has a Master’s degree in interactive design from GOBELINS, l'école de l'image in Paris, and specialises in UX and Service Design.

Her work philosophy: “That’s what creativity is — intelligence having fun” (A. Einstein, J. Reiman, or even G. Scialabba, depending on who you ask). This is something she also applies in her hobbies, which are music, cooking and creating costumes from scratch.

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