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September 20, 2023

TechCrunch Disrupt: the State of Quantum

At one of the most anticipated tech conferences of the year, our CEO Dr Joe Fitzsimons was invited to discuss "The State of Quantum" in a panel.


At the TechCrunch Disrupt 2023 conference in San Francisco, our CEO Dr Joe Fitzsimons took the stage to explore "The State of Quantum" in a panel discussion with Faye Wattleton, Co-founder and Director of EeroQ Quantum Hardware, moderated by Frederic Lardinois, Senior Enterprise Editor at TechCrunch.

Joe Fitzsimons delved into the progress of quantum computing, stressing that while we already have four to five demonstrations across industry and academia of computation on quantum processors that are hard to simulate with conventional computers, the milestone where quantum computing will be useful for solving hard computational problems has not yet been reached. He noted that better algorithms might enable quantum advantage with existing processors, making it an interesting time in quantum computing. “It used to be that the only path forward we had was to make better and better hardware until we got to a point where we could see real advantage,” Dr Fitzsimons explained. “But now because we've crossed this hard to simulate threshold, we're at a point where better insight into algorithms, better insight into how to use these systems can also lead to advantage with existing systems.”

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